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Cambodia International Cooperation Law Firm

Expeditious, Comprehensive, Efficient

Cambodia International Cooperation Law Firm is a modern-day group of lawyers with relevant expertise, talents, and high qualifications, operating and providing legal and other professional services that meet high standards and adhere to the principles of professional codes of ethics.

Our Services

Cambodia International Cooperation Law Firm’s core services are to provide legal service with high quality and efficiency, as well as a variety of related services, throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia’s capitals and provinces. Among these services includes:

Legal Services:

  • General legal consultation
  • Participate in out-of-court dispute resolutions
  • Preparation of legal documents and authentication of other letters
  • Legal services on the dispute in court proceedings
  • Defense before Disciplinary Council
  • Corporate legal services

Related Services:

  • Investment project consultation
  • Registration of company, organization, association
  • Taxation
  • Finance and accounting
  • Consultation on the Cambodian naturalization application
  • Legal services on non-banking financial services
  • Legal service on VISA application
  • Legal Service on Registration and Deregistration of Hypothec
  • Real estate registration


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